Park City Heights is located in the Quinn's Junction area of Park City, on the south side of Richardson Flat Road just west of U.S. Highway 40. Park City Heights is being developed by Ivory Homes and the affordable units are scheduled to be completed by the end of 2025. When completed, the subdivision will have a total of 239 homes, with 79 deed-restricted units available to buyers with incomes in the affordable and attainable ranges.
Housing unit types include townhomes and single-family dwellings. Fun fact: Many of the streets in Park City Heights are named after local rescue and avalanche dogs. Park City Heights also provides direct access to the multi-use trail network in the Quinn's Junction area.
Applications to purchase homes in Park City Heights are accepted continuously. For more information and to submit an application, please contact Troy Goff with Ivory Homes at or 435.729.0550.