Central Piedmont's ITS has lots of resources for you, such as a personalized portal, computer labs, email, and the online learning management system (Brightspace).
Services can also include free software, technology discounts, web publishing, and more.
Access to many of these services requires a username and password, or Central Piedmont login. You get your login information as part of the steps to enroll at the college.
Learn how to use Brightspace:
The online client portal is the main place for contact with Central Piedmont’s Information Technology Services department.
Through the client portal, students and employees can:
The online client portal is the place to start for all technology needs.
Central Piedmont is committed to meeting the requirements and stipulations of the Higher Education Opportunity Act. The Higher Education Opportunity Act stipulates compliance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, prohibiting illegal peer to peer file sharing. Download more information about Higher Education Opportunity Act compliance at Central Piedmont (pdf).