You can send and track documents to Parchment, Scribbles, or Common App member institutions using Naviance eDocs. Submit application materials for institutions that are not members of Parchment, Scribbles, or Common App in another manner.
Transcripts submitted electronically via Naviance are considered official even without an attached seal. When transcripts are sent to Parchment® schools, they include a cover letter and notice from Parchment informing the college that this is an official transcript.
After you have prepared documents for a student and they are ready to submit, navigate to the student's folder and select Send from the eDocs section.
Navigate to the Application Manager to review a list of all students for whom you need to prepare and submit documents.
From the Send Dashboard:
Common App requires you to send an associated form with all documents, including transcripts, teacher recommendations, and counselor evaluations. The following materials are required for most Common App institutions:
Common App Optional Report 1
Common App Optional Report 2
Explanation of Change
For some self-reporting Colleges, you do not need to submit application materials other than a final transcript. When a student adds a self-reporting college to their active application list, the office status automatically displays Initial Materials Submitted.
After a student completes the Common App matching process, Naviance auto-populates their college list and any Early Decision Agreements or Fee Waivers as part of the Common App integration.
Real-time syncs between the two systems occur when:
For up-to-the-minute Common App information, click Refresh CA Data from the Common App section of the Send Dashboard to manually sync a student’s Common App list.
Many application materials you submit to Common App institutions are considered one and done and only need to be submitted once per student. After you submit a one and done document for a student, you do not need to submit it again if the student adds more Common App applications to their list. One and done does not mean that you must submit all documents all documents at the same time. For example, you can send the Common App School Report today and the Common App Counselor Evaluation next month.
To submit documents to Common App institutions, the student must complete the FERPA waiver on Common App and complete the matching process in Naviance Student.
After you submit forms, you cannot cancel, delete, or retract the submission. Review forms carefully before submitting them.
Students must request a Common App fee waiver from their Common App account. After they make the request, the Documents Sent to All Common Applications section displays an alert to sign the waiver. Click Sign Waiver and complete the form. Naviance immediately sends the form to Common App, and you do not need to submit it again if the student adds additional applications.
If a student indicates they are applying Early Decision I or II from their Common App account, the Send Documents page displays a notification for the corresponding college. Click Approve and complete the form. The form is submitted immediately to Common App for that institution.
If you submit documents to the Common App for a student and the student then decides to not apply via Common App, you must update the application's Delivery Type and then send the documents via Parchment or Scribbles.
To send an updated transcript to a Common App institution, prepare the Common App Optional Report 1 or Common App Optional Report 2. Then, upload the corrected transcript as an Optional Transcript 1 or Optional Transcript 2.
You can only submit the Common App Optional Report 2 if you have already submitted the Common App Optional Report 1.
Before you can submit a final transcript to a Common App college:
After the criteria is met, you can submit the Final Report to the Common App college set as the student's attending college. After the Final Report has been submitted, you can no longer submit documents to that college.
To send a Final Report to an additional Common App college, the student must first set that college as their attending.
Before submitting documents, ensure that you web browser is updated.
Document submissions to Parchment and Scribbles institutions are not one and done. You must submit documents for each Parchment or Scribbles destination on a student’s list.
If schools do not accept electronic document submissions using Naviance eDocs, you must submit them in another manner. However, you can download documents in a printable PDF and mark documents as submitted.
Print documents that are uploaded and forms that are prepared.
Naviance does not store download files. To print or access a download file at a later date, save the download file locally.