Clery Act

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act ("Clery Act") is a federal law that ensures transparency around campus crime policy and statistics at higher education institutions in the United States. The key requirements of the Clery Act include:

The Executive Director of Title IX and Clery Compliance, in collaboration with Public Safety, coordinates the university's Clery Act compliance efforts. For further details on the Clery Act, see Understanding Clery Statistics and Explaining Hate Crimes Under the Clery Act.

Campus Security Authorities

Campus Security Authorities (CSAs) are designated individuals on campus who play a crucial role in safety. When they become aware of Clery crimes, CSAs promptly report them. This ensures that the incidents are documented in the necessary campus crime reports. By reporting promptly, CSAs contribute to and promote campus safety, allowing Public Safety to issue timely alerts when others on campus might be at risk.

Two people acting supportive of another person

CSAs are defined as:

Phone Receiver

CSAs at RIT include: