Tektronix software license agreement

Here are links to some of our most popular software downloads that require licensing to operate. Use the Search button to find more.

Trial License Catalog

Many of our licenses are available for 30 day trial periods. search by software type or use the Display All button to find more.

My Sofware Licenses

Logged in users can see all their license portfolio from Tektronix. Click the "Login" button to access that content.

Учебные пособия

Ознакомьтесь с нашей платформой для управления лицензиями

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How to Invite Users to TekAMS

Here's a short video on how to invite new users to use licenses in your inventory.

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How to Check In a License

Here's a short video on how to check in a license and return it to available inventory.

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How to Check Out a Floating License

Here's a short video on how to check out a floating license to your PC or Instrument.

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