Outgoing Interdistrict Transfers
Interdistrict Transfers out of OUSD for Oakland Residents
("Outgoing Interdistrict Transfers")
Step 1:
Complete the Alameda County Office of Education’s Inter-district Transfer Form. Please read the form carefully and thoroughly. Moving forward, we will only accept applications that are submitted through this form.
As of March 1, 2023, we will not accept paper forms that are delivered in person or paper forms that have been scanned and emailed. This may represent a change for some families, but it is an important step for accountability and consistency.
Step 2:
Once OUSD has processed your application, you will receive an email from idt@ousd.org notifying you whether your application has been approved or if it has been denied.
- If your request is approved, you will be notified of the approval by email alongside the approved form, so that you may forward the approval to the requested school district.
- If your request is denied, you will receive an email from idt@ousd.org advising you of the decision. If you have other supporting documents that you have not previously submitted, you may submit them within 30 days of receiving the denial and you will receive an updated determination from enroll@ousd.org based on that information.
Permitted Reasons for Outgoing Interdistrict Transfers (IDTs), Per Alameda County
Child Care (K-6 Only)
- IDT is available if the person(s) providing childcare to the student before and/or after school 4 days per week for at least two hours per school day resides in the receiving district.
- Person(s) providing childcare must be responsible for transporting student to or from school.
- Proof of employment of all parents/guardians who are involved in the student’s life on a day–to-day basis
- Letter from the adult, center, or organization providing day care
- Child care verification form
Parent Employment (If District of Attendance policy permits)
- IDT is available if the student's parent(s)/guardian(s) are employed within the jurisdictional boundaries of the receiving district for at least 35 hours per week.
- Proof of employment of all parents/guardians who are involved in the student’s life on a day–to-day basis
- Letter from parent/guardian explaining the circumstance that an interdistrict permit is necessary under parent employment reasons
- Employer verification form
- IDT is available if the student's sibling, who resides with the student, attends school in the receiving district.
- Name, grade and school where the sibling attends (sibling must already attend the proposed District of Attendance)
- Copy of sibling’s last report card
- Copy of sibling’s release permit from the District of Residence
Health & Safety
- IDT is available if required to meet the student's special mental or physical health and/or safety needs, as certified by a physician, school psychologist or other appropriate certified personnel.
- Letter or report from a doctor, psychologist, or other appropriate person verifying health-related issues (if applicable).
- Police or school report supporting safety-related issues (if applicable).
- Letter from parent/guardian explaining the circumstance that an interdistrict permit is necessary under health and safety reasons.
- Medical verification form or Safety verification form
Specialized Program
- IDT is available if student has a legitimate interest in a particular educational program not offered in any of the schools in the district of residence or there is no space in the District's existing specialized educational program.
- The program must be offered in the student’s grade level and be a sequential course of study up to the highest grade level in the receiving district.
- The program must constitute at least 50% of each school day.
- Teachers of the specialized program must have specialized certification and/or training (link here).
- Before and after school programs, a single course, and sports are not considered valid specialized programs.
- If granted, the IDT is only approved in so far as student will participate in the specialized program.
- Copy of the flyer, brochure, or other informational material detailing the specialized program in which the student is interested.
- Letter from parent/guardian expressing the extent of the student’s interest in the specialized program, and how the program is either unavailable or not comparable at the District of Residence.
- Specialized program supplemental form
Continuing Enrollment
- IDT is available to allow the student to continue attending the same school when parents/guardians have moved out of their current district and to attend until the highest grade at current school.
- Continuing enrollment does not apply to students matriculating from elementary to middle or middle to high school.
- Copy of student’s last report card
- Letter from parent/ guardian stating the enrollment history (grade and school/district) of the student since kindergarten
Final Year
- IDT is available to allow the student to remain with a class graduating that year from elementary, middle, or high school.
- Copy of student’s last report card
Change in Residence
- In exceptional circumstances, an IDT may be available for reasons other than those outlined above. IDTs granted for other reasons are extremely rare.
- Letter from parent/guardian explaining the circumstances under which an interdistrict permit is necessary
- Additional documentation may be requested