Statement of Purpose
1. Introduction
2. A Class Care Aims & objectives
3. The Nature of Services Provided
4. Corporate Statement of Good Practice
5. Nature of Services Provided
6. Quality Assurance
7. Name & Address of Registered Provider and Registered Manager
8. Relevant Qualification & Experience of Registered Provider
9. Complaints, Concerns, Comments and Compliments
10. Complaints procedure synopses
11. Circumstances resulting in refusal of care
A Class Care offers a wealth of personal and functional care and associated domestic services to meet the needs of dependent clients (“Service Users”); these may include older people, those with a disability and people who need assistance due to illness to continue living in their own homes and community. This will be achieved by promoting a standard of excellence which embraces fundamental principles of good care practice that is witnessed and evaluated through the practice, conduct and control of quality care in the domestic environment.
Care is provided in partnership with service users, their carers and relatives, respecting their diverse needs, preferences and choices. It is standard practice for a member of our management team to visit each service user before commencing the service to be able to understand the individual situation and then provide the most suitable package accordingly.
The Aims and Objectives of the Company
Person centered care forms the core of the service we provide here at A Class Care and our staff are committed to meeting our aims and objectives:
The Nature of Services Provided
Service provision is based on operational values and principles of care.
Values and Principles of Care
A Class Care believes that, for services to be effective, they should be based on sound values and principles and an understanding of the fundamental and individual needs of service users. The Service Values are as follows:
The right of individuals to be left alone or undisturbed and free from intrusion or public attention into their affairs. This is taken into account in the formulation of Care Plans, and will only be overridden in exceptional circumstances, and with the knowledge of the service user or their advocate.
Service user confidentiality is, wherever possible, maintained. On occasion, it will be necessary, for the benefit of the service user or others to share personal information with either other professionals or organisations. Where possible, service users are consulted and their views taken into account. (Also see Section 2.2 of the handbook relating to employees conduct with respect to confidentiality).
All individuals, whatever their circumstances, have the right to be treated with dignity and respect.
Service users have the right to be heard and to be fully informed on all aspects of their care. Methods of communication are appropriate to the particular abilities and experiences of each individual, and are tailored to each particular set of circumstances.
Service users are enabled to act independently. Services are aimed at maximising the individual’s capacity for self-care and mobility.
Risk Taking
All service users are entitled to make decisions about their daily lives and activities. This may, from time to time, result in a conflict between ensuring safety and maximising independence. Service users will be supported in their decisions to take reasonable risks.
Every individual, whatever their circumstances, has the potential for development, and the right to hold personal aspirations. Within the boundaries set by legislation and professional social work ethics, service users are encouraged in achieving their personal goals.
The rights of citizenship are safeguarded for all service users. Work should be conducted in a manner that facilitates empowerment and makes appropriate use of advocacy.
Service users are expected to accept appropriate responsibilities, taking into account their particular abilities and circumstances. These may include having due regard for others, for property or for participation in Care Plans.
Services are designed to be accessible and flexible, promoting ordinary lifestyles and based upon service user’s own choices. Individual choice is promoted, within the limits imposed by service constraints.
Carer Support
The value of the contribution of carer and family support is fully recognised. The needs of carers providing, or intending to provide, regular or substantial care is, where requested, assessed independently of the needs of the service user. The outcome of the assessment is taken into account when agreeing Care Plans.
Corporate Statement of Good Practice
The philosophy of the Company is to reflect and promote values that focus upon the individual client or Service User as being at the centre of Care Service planning and Service delivery. To help achieve this, the Company has drawn upon the fundamental Core Values of Care to develop the following Service Values which will form the basis for considering the provision of an individual Care Service:
The realisation of these values, together with the level of help and support required to achieve personal goals, will be a unique process for each person - every person is an individual. However, the value principles remain constant and will provide a sound foundation for the provision of care to all, regardless of personal circumstances and in accordance with the Company’s Equal Opportunities Policy.
Nature of The Services Provided
At A Class Care we have trained staff who meet service users, prior to commencing service, to agree the care needs requirements of service users and assess each individual before service is offered including aspects such as when the service will begin and the times, frequency and duration of care to be provided.
The carers that A Class Care employs are trained in accordance with Skills for Care Common induction as well as bespoke training tailored to meet the meet the specific needs of their client group. Furthermore, they are supervised and supported to provide a quality service to a wide range of people who need care and support whilst living in their own homes, ensuring:
A Service user’s care plan is produced through consultation with each care user, their families and authorized persons and will include information about the clients care needs, wishes, preferences and personal goals.
Key personal and care support is provided with:
Specialist tasks:
There are aspects of the service that require staff to have specific experience or training in order to ensure they are able to undertake such tasks.
Tasks requiring specialist training or experience include:
All care staff is required to be assessed as competent before providing the above care duties
Care workers will NOT undertake tasks that require the skills and expertise of clinical professionals. Such tasks include:
A Class Care does not provide nursing care services.
A Class Care is committed to ensuring that services continue to meet the user’s needs.
Our Quality Assurance starts with the recruitment of the best carers possible and continues with systematic and ongoing monitoring of their performance. Delivering a consistent high quality service is our priority.
This is achieved through the implementation of a three stage action plan, which will mean obtaining care users feedback at three levels, beginning with the completion of a satisfaction survey, telephone satisfaction survey and face to face interviews with service users or their representative, guaranteeing an in-depth strategy of obtaining care users views and opinions. All service users at the first stage will be asked to complete a user satisfaction survey. Regular audits of minor issues arising in daily care provision and of compliments and complaints received by the company. We also meet regularly with staff to ensure that their views are sought.
The service will be audited and evaluated against the National Minimum Standards, and against our service outcomes.
The Name and Address of the Registered Provider and of any Registered Manager
The address and contact details of A Class Care are as follows:
Gemini Suite , Pegasus House , Pembroke Avenue , Waterbeach Cambridgeshire CB25 9PY
Telephone: 01223 864066
Fax: 01223 864066
The Responsible individual is Nicola Darkin, Company Director. Nicola can be contacted during office hours at the above address.
The Relevant Qualifications and Experience of the Registered Provider and any Registered Manager
The Responsible individual/Registered Manager is Nicola Darkin who is the Company Director and has 15 years experience within domiciliary care setting, covering all aspects of care work, business management, recruitment, administration, care management and policies & procedures.
Qualifications and work experience of Responsible Individual: NVQ Level 4 (including Management Qualification) which is now equivalent to an NVQ Level 5, she also holds an NVQ Level 3 in Management, NVQ Level 2 in Direct Care, Btec First Diploma in Care, Skills for Care Common Induction. She has completed the following training courses: Appraisal, Risk Assessment, Adult Safeguarding foundation, Adult Safeguarding – Management Responsibilities, Personal Development, Conflict Management, Medication Management, Recruitment & Selection, Moving & Handling, Health & Safety including Fire, Direct Payments and general awareness course, Dementia and Employee Investigation.
The Company Manager is Mercy Canning. Mercy is an experienced manager who is responsible for managing the services day to day activity.
Qualifications and work related experience of Manager. Mercy has a number of years experience within the public sector including working with reputable organizations such as the BBC and a leading provider in Domiciliary, Registered Care and Supported Housing – Hightown Praetorian & Churches Housing Association . She currently holds a Upper class BA Degree in Business Administration, HND in Business Administration, IOSH ( Institute of Safety & Health), Train the Trainer, Leadership Management, Risk Assessment, SOVA – Management Responsibility, Recruitment & Selection, SHL Recruitment Administration and is partly CIPD qualified (Charted Institute of Personnel Development).
The Range of Qualifications of the Domiciliary Care Workers Supplied by the Company
• The Company retains a complete record of all qualifications, credentials and experience gained for each staff member, whether full-time or part-time. These records may be found in the Staff Files retained at the Company’s offices, and are of limited access for reasons of confidentiality and security.
• As a summary, Care Workers are required to have, as a minimum, the following qualifications in order for them to provide care services for clients at their homes:
- Moving & Handling
- Health & Safety
- Basic Food Hygiene
- Administration of Medication
- Basic Infection control
- Abuse Awareness
- Principles of care
- Service users Needs
- Role of the Care Worker
- Skills for Care Common Induction
- COSH (Controls of substances hazardous to health)
- SOVA (Safe Guarding of Vulnerable Adults)
- ENED (Ears, Nose & Eyedrops)
- RIDDOR ( Reportable Incidences & Dangerous Occurrences)
• Induction training incorporates shadowing an experienced member of staff, classroom based training , an induction questionnaire in line with the Skills for Care Common Induction standards conducted and assessed by an experienced member of staff.
• All members of care staff are offered NVQ 2 training after 6 months of employment, all current members of staff are on a rolling programme and we work closely with colleges to reach our goal of having 50% of our work force NVQ 2 trained.
Complaints, Concerns, Comments & Compliments
With respect to Service User feedback concerning the quality of Care Services provided this information is formally reviewed for content and possible action. These reviews classify Service User feedback as follows, and is considered as positive through to negative feedback:
Types of feedback
Compliments - positive input regarding aspects of the Care Service
Comments - still positive, but possible scope for improvement
Concerns - negative feedback where action may be required to address a problem
Complaints - serious concerns on the part of the Service User, requiring formal action as described below:
There is a formal process for the management and handling of complaints from Service Users. This is documented in the complaints procedure. The Policy provides for appropriate investigation and a timely response to the complainant, and if required the means for the Service User to take the complaint to the appropriate regulatory authorities. This is explained in the Service User Guide and the Service User is also made aware of the right to complain prior to finalising the Care Service Contract.
Complaint Procedure synopses
1. To ensure that the service we provide matches clients needs and their expectations we welcome any comments they may care to make.
2. As one of our clients you are perfectly entitled to make complaints at any time. If you wish to complain about the service you receive from us then you should follow the steps below:
3. If possible the problem should be discussed with the person providing the service
4. If you feel unable to discuss the problem with them or you feel they are unable to solve the problem then you should contact A Class Care’s Registered Manager.
5. If possible at this stage you should record your complaint in writing and send it to A Class Care address to the Registered Manager. You may wish to ask a friend or relative to write out the complaint for you, which if possible you should sign.
6. If you are not happy about making the complaint yourself and you do not know someone who is prepared to talk to us on your behalf, we will be happy to find someone from an independent organisation to act as an advocate for you.
7. If we receive a written complaint it may take a little time to consider it fully but we will write to you within one week to acknowledge receipt of the complaint and to inform you of the steps we are taking to resolve it.
8. If no immediate solution is found we will investigate the complaint fully, contacting those concerned. We will then write to you within a further 3 weeks with details of our findings, any action we have taken, and proposals to resolve your complaint.
9. The Company Director will review all complaints received and the outcomes to ensure that a satisfactory conclusion has been reached.
10. As part of A Class cares quality assurance process all concluded complaints will be followed up/ reviewed within 3 months. The company director will contact the complainant to ensure that they are satisfied with the outcome and services have improved.
11. It is the policy of the Company to strive to ensure that compliments outweigh complaints.
12. The company ensures that its entire staff are highly skilled are trained in identifying abuse situations and providing a service that safeguards protection of vulnerable adults. We employ in-depth polices which all our care workers are aware of and practice, and follow the steps to take if they have any concerns regarding possible abuse situations. However, if you are concerned about such a situation your first step is to contact the Registered Manger, who will instigate the company’s SOVA procedure.
13. If you are dissatisfied with the result of our investigation, what you do next depends on whether your care is being arranged on your behalf by a Social Care Department or is being paid for privately.
14. Where your care is being arranged on your behalf by a Cambridgeshire Social Services department you should contact their Customer Services.
Where your care is being bought privately, then contact:
Care Quality Commission
National Correspondence
Newcastle upon Tyne
We would also like to hear from you if you are satisfied with the service provided to you by A Class Care and would like to share your opinion with us. Please write to either A Class Care directly, or Care Quality Commission.
Circumstances resulting in refusal of care
The circumstances in which the agency may cease to provide services to a service user.
There are certain exceptional circumstances in which a service would be withdrawn. These are usually as a consequence of risk to the health and safety of service users and /or care workers.
They include environmental factors where the home is unsafe for staff to work in, where certain infections are present or, where service user behavior is such that it would be unsafe for staff to work. Domiciliary Care Officers carry out detailed risk assessments of each home to establish whether any measures for staff safety are identified. In exceptional circumstances a meeting would be arranged with all interested parties, issues discussed, actions agreed.
In the event of staff being replaced due to absence, we will ensure that contact is made in the first instance outlining the temporary change in service.
In the event of a permanent change, as a result of a review, an outcome letter will detail these changes to the service User.
Please get in touch with A Class Care Limited by
calling 01223 864066 or using our contact form.